Weak Erection and Smoking Treatment
Weak Erection and Smoking Treatment
While you might not know it, smoking does quite a lot of damage to your sex life. For many of our client in South Africa, weak erection was the result of smoking upon assessment and diagnosis.
When you smoke, the smoke clogs up your arteries thereby reducing blood flow to the penis. Doctor Zodwa continuously advise their patients more especially men to lead healthy lifestyles for improved sex life, more so, because stronger erections have to do with a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Weak Erection Remedies
It is surprising how men overestimate how important being able to have erections is to their relationships. Some men find the hassle of using the treatment for weak erections to be not worth the effort. Call Dr Zodwa +2778760998
Low Libido Call Zodwa 0787609980
Low libido is the same as low sex drive – but not the same erectile dysfunction. Low Libido means wanting to have sex, but not being able to carry through on the desire. Low libido is having little desire for sex even if you are capable of achieving erections.
The causes of Low Libido in men can be physical and psychological.
Some of the Physical Causes of Low Libido can be related to Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Obesity, Diabetes, certain prescribed drugs and low testosterone levels.Treatment is Available in the store.